Friday, March 8, 2013

Satin Affect by bi_bi_love

Open a new image with your normal settings.
Set the foreground colour to Black and the background to White (often the default)

Select the blend the blend tool and set the Mode to “Difference” and the rest of the settings as below.

Sweep the cursor back and forth across your page with longer and shorter strokes.
Experiment with length, angle and number of strokes

Once the pattern is a ‘crumpled’ as you want, apply the Gaussian Blur.
Filers-Blur-Gaussian Blur

Set the radius to somewhere between 20 and 30, lower is better until you are used to the result as you can repeat it easily with “Ctrl+F”

Next you need to apply the Edge tool
Filters-Edge Detect-Edge
Make sure it is set to “Smear” other than that the settings should default to those below.

Next invert your colour
And you are basically left with white satin.

All that remains (unless it was white satin you wanted), is to colour it in.

Select Colors-Colorize
The colorize tool will default to Hue – 180, Saturation – 50, Lightness – 0
Make sure the Preview box is checked then you can see all the action happening in the background.

Hue – think of the slider as moving across the spectrum from Red to Violet

Saturation – I think of this similar to the number of coats of paint

Lightness – of the colour. Setting to around -50 gives a solid colour.

Click OK when you are happy and….

A lot of this is trying and experimenting with most steps.

I’ve used it quite a bit, but never saved the result it is pretty easy to do with a little practice and this gives any other designs using satin or recolours a more unique feel.